F For: Hong Kong Protest Music 香港抗爭音樂誌 Vol 2

F For : Hong Kong Protest Music Zine is a not-for-profit publication project that chronicles the 2019-2020 Hong Kong democratic movement through the music made throughout the protests.

The second of three volumes, which covers the events and music between August and September 2019, is out on 1 October. Limited to 750 copies.

《F For:香港抗爭音樂誌》是一個非牟利出版計劃,旨在透過音樂,忠實呈現2019至2020年間的香港民主運動。


Read more about the project here. 要知更多這計劃看 here.

If you are interested in making a bulk purchase that includes more than 5 copies, please get in touch with us. We will be able to provide you with a better postal rate.




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Weight 0.45 kg